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Accreditation and Continuing Education Services

Planning Packages

Along with advising services, these options provide the needed plans and tools to reach your goals. These have a minimum of 90-days and can be extended as necessary. Some of our most popular plans are listed below.

Accreditation Readiness
  • In-depth review of your CME/CE program

  • Identify strengths and opportunities for improvement

  • A roadmap to guide initial accreditation and forms you can customize and use

  • A review of your application prior to submission

  • Mock survey interview to prepare you and staff for potential questions and form strong responses

  • Only for initial accreditation applications

Accreditation Growth Plan

This is a three-month package that assists with your CPD program growth. Move your program to the next level, begin the processes to seek commendation, publish/present, or grow internal recognition and respect.

  • Grow your CPD program to the next level

  • A detailed assessment of current practices and strategies needed to grow

  • Realistic and practical strategies

  • Interviews with key stakeholders (remote)

  • Benefits leadership, staff, and the organization as a whole

  • Achieve greater internal and external recognition

  • You'll receive a plan you can use to manage your growth

  • Excellent for organizations seeking commendation

Outcomes Growth

For organizations wanting to strengthen their evaluation and outcomes strategies, we offer our Outcomes Growth Package. Explore strategies you can execute to reach higher level outcomes and truly demonstrate the value and effectiveness of your CPD program.

  • In-depth review of current evaluation and outcomes practices

  • Goal setting with time targets

  • Examples and templates

  • Identify things you're already doing that can be modified to assess for competence, performance, patient outcomes or community health

  • You’ll receive a detailed roadmap to successfully guide you through this growth

  • Demonstrate the value and effectiveness of your program to internal and external stakeholders

MOC Action Plan

For organizations wanting to implement ABMS Maintenance of Certification CME through existing accreditation or as an ABMS Portfolio Provider

  • Review of current practices and procedures

  • Goal setting with time targets

  • Examples and templates

  • Explore strategies and best practices

  • Identify realistic strategies to accomplish MOC and maintain compliance

  • Prepare to respond to activity audits that will occur

Accreditation Preparation
  • A comprehensive plan for your self-study and file audit

  • Program-specific outline with due dates

  • Section review and recommendations

  • File review and mock survey

  • One training for key staff and committee members

  • A detailed report with recommendations

  • Client will to provide all necessary materials and access to complete project work

Progress Report or Inquiry

This package is vital for organizations that have received a progress report or activity inquiry/audit from an accreditor. We know first-hand how intimidating it is when your accreditation is on the line. We will guide you through the important process.

  • In-depth review of the progress report or inquiry

  • Work with leadership to identify and plan for key dates and components

  • You’ll receive a detailed roadmap to successfully guide you through this important process

  • File review before submission


For organizations wanting to explore performance improvement CME and/or quality improvement CME

  • Review of current programs for opportunities and strengths

  • Train key personnel on PI/QI CME basics

  • Examples and templates

  • Explore measures, improvement calculations, and goals

Grant Readiness

For organizations exploring commercial or non-commercial grants as a funding source

  • Assess needs for grant solicitation

  • Develop a plan

  • Grant coaching/training for 1 staff member

  • Grant websites and strategies 

  • 1 grant review

Contact us to discuss your planning needs.

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