These plans focus on identifying the immediate and strategic needs of your nonprofit and are customized to your stage of growth. Are you a new nonprofit who needs to start your fundraising plan or a more experienced organization needing to grow your overall development efforts?
Let Dynamic Development Strategies be your mentor and accountability partner as you increase your nonprofit and fundraising knowledge. Whether you have specific concerns or need general counsel, we’re here to help.

Minimum three-month engagement with renewal options. Two levels based on time needed.
Advising Packages
Fundraising and Nonprofit Best Practices
Focuses on identifying immediate and strategic needs of your nonprofit and customized to your stage of growth.
Two levels available based on time needed each month
Nonprofit and fundraising resources, templates, and samples
Share Roadmap for Fundraising Success™ template
Regular meetings with staff to recommend next steps, prepare for fundraising visits and guide the development process
Provide reminders and coaching for upcoming fundraising activities
Review and assist with fundraising materials as requested
Work collaboratively with the staff to devise creative fundraising methods to attract and retain donors
Can provide assistance with:
Policies & procedures
Best practices
Finding initial funding
Grant readiness
Board recruitment
Nonprofit leadership
Strengthening current fundraising efforts
Grant readiness
Fundraising beyond events
Board development
Cultivate lapsed and steward current donors
Creating new donor pipeline strategies
Program Design & Review
Help design new programs or projects
Assistance in review existing programs or projects
Guidance on creating trackable and meaningful outputs and outcomes
Expert advice on data collection strategies to help you measure success and impact effectively